Partington Central Surgery is dedicated to always improving where possible, services, management, and treatment of our patients. In order for us to do so we have made changes to our operating hours.
Monday – 8am – 6:30pm
Tuesday – 8am – 6:30pm
Wednesday – 8am – 1pm
Thursday – 8am – 6:30pm
Friday – 8am – 6:30pm
Friday (bi-weekly) – 8am – 8pm
Saturdays (once every two months) – 9am to 5pm
The practice will be closed on Wednesday afternoons to allow for staff members to undertake training/refreshers/CPD, Practice Meetings, Quality Improvement, Clinical and Administrative review of systems, etc.
Patients can still access the surgery via telephone on 0161 775 7032 – your call will be automatically diverted to our Mastercall service who will navigate, triage, issue medications, help with queries and see patients should it be indicated.
We appreciate your understanding and patience however would appreciate any feedback you may have to the above changes.
Thank you